
外资(欧美) 50-150人 原材料和加工 电气/电力/水利


马赫内托特殊阳极(苏州)有限公司是由总部位于荷兰的MAGNETO special anodes B.V.独资拥有的生产型企业。创立于1957年, MAGNETO是世界钛阳极技术的发明者和最早的制造商。钛阳极是一种具有优异导电及催化特性的不溶性电极材料,是许多工业电化学系统或装置中的核心部件。在过去的50多年中,MAGNETO已经树立了在世界钛阳极高端市场和技术领域的领先地位,向全球的客户提供高品质的产品及服务。公司产品应用于几乎所有的工业电化学领域,主要包括: 钢板连续电镀锌/锡 电解铜箔生产 电子电镀(PCB镀铜、镀金等) 通用金属电镀 海水电解(应用于滨海火电厂循环冷却水生物防污) 阴极保护 水处理 电解冶金 等等 为更好服务于中国客户,马赫内托已于2008年在苏州工业园区建立了荷兰独资工厂.欢迎有识之士投送简历至: hr@magneto.com.cn.请在简历上注明职位名称和编码及本广告信息来源。谢绝电话和传真。 员工录用后,公司根据职位内容和员工综合能力提供具有竞争力的薪资和福利。并会提供与公司发展和员工职业发展结合的相关海外培训及其它培训机会。 公司网址: www.magneto.com.cn; www.magneto.nl MAGNETO special anodes (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of MAGNETO Group. Headquartered in the Netherlands, MAGNETO was founded in 1957 by Dr Henry Beer, the original inventor of Titanium Anodes technology in the world. With excellent electrical conductivity and catalytical properties, the Titanium anodes, also called insoluble anode, has been widely used as a key component in various electrochemical systems. In the past 50 years, MAGNETO has built her leading position both in market and technology, and provided high-quality products across the world. Our anodes are used for a wide variety of applications in electrochemical processes, including: Steel strip plating Copper foil production Electronics plating General metal plating Sea water electrolysis for power plants Cathodic protection Water treatment Electro winning In order to serve Chinese and other Asian clients better, MAGNETO has built up her wholly-owned manufacturing facility in Suzhou Industrial Park Jiangsu Province. The Chinese plant aims to grow into the market leader in Asian and Pacific areas. We welcome you to join our new factory in Suzhou and grow together with us. MAGNETO Suzhou provides you attractive compensation package, a friendly working environment and fair growing possibilities. Company location: Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province Contact details and requirements: If you meet the job requirements, please send your cv to hr@magneto.com.cn. 1. Please mention in your applications, the position and position no. you are applying 2. Applications by phone will not be accepted. Compensation and training MAGNETO will provide attractive compensation package based on the job description and employee comprehensive competence. Company will provide overseas training and other trainings in the line with company strategy and employee career development. Company website: www.magneto.com.cn; www.magneto.nl 公司简介(英): Company introduction: "My inventions did not make me rich,but the world has become a better place." -Dr Henri Beer ( first director of MAGNETO; inventor of the Titanium Anode) In 1957, MAGNETO was founded by Dr Henry Beer in Schiedam, the Netherlands. Dr Henri Beer invented and applied patent for Titanium anodes with precious metal coatings. Since then, the name of MAGNETO has forever been connected to the development of the titanium anode. In the past 50 years, MAGNETO special anodes B.V. has built her leading position in the special anodes industry. Our anodes are used for a variety of application areas in the electrochemical industry, including: ·Metal plating including electro zinc-plating and tin-plating ·Copper foil production ·Sea water electrolysis ·Water treatment ·Cathodic Protection ·Electro synthesis ·Electro winning In order to serve our Chinese clients better, we are setting up our Wholly Foreign Owned plant in Suzhou Industrial Park Jiangsu Province. The Chinese plant aims to grow into the market leader in Asia. We welcome you to join our new plant in Suzhou and grow together with us. MAGNETO Suzhou provides you a challenging and friendly working environment and fair growing possibilities. Company location: Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province Contact details and requirements: If you meet the job requirements, please send your application letter and CV in English to us. 1.Please mention clearly in your applications where you have read this advertisement. 2.Please mention in your applications, the position and position no. you are applying. 3.Applications by phone will not be accepted. 4.For additional information, please send inquiry to us Compensation and training: MAGNETO will provide on the job description and employee comprehensive competence overseas training and other trainings in the line with company strategy and employee career development.

公司地址:江苏省苏州工业园区 (邮编:215021)
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